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Workshop "Community-based approaches to research ethics" & NEKS meeting// Munich July 4-5 2024


CHANGER Workshop

Dear colleagues,

We're excited to invite you to a workshop on "Participatory Approaches in Research Ethics" at EineWeltHaus, Munich, and a subsequent meeting of the newly founded network of ethics committees in social research (NEKS). The workshop will focus on the involvement of individuals, stakeholders, and communities in research ethics and reviews highlighting the importance of diverse value and knowledge systems in ethical discussions.

Keynote speakers include Sarah Banks (University of Durham, UK) on participatory action research ethics and Tatjana Buklijas (KOI TŪ/Centre for Informed Futures, New Zealand) on indigenous knowledge in research ethics (see abstracts in attached programme). The workshop also offers participants the chance to present their work and engage in discussions during a World Café session.

The workshop is scheduled for July 4 (2.30pm-7pm) and July 5 (9.30am-1pm) at EineWeltHaus, Munich, with English as the working language. Following the workshop, the Network of Ethics Committees in Social Research (NEKS) will meet, with language(s) being German (and English as required).

For more information on the workshop, please contact Olaf Tietje (olaf.tietje@lmu.de) and for more information on NEKS please write to me (unger@lmu.de).

To register, please send attached form(s) to workshop@soziologie.uni-muenchen.de by April 30, 2024.
