Qualitative Social Research

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Studies and Teaching

Focus of teaching

As far as teaching is concerned, our department is mainly in charge of supplying education in qualitative methods.
To this end, we offer an introductory lecture, tutorials, seminars and research internships, which educate the students with regard to the planning and organization of qualitative research projects based on different data collection and evaluation procedures. This includes the following focal subjects:

  • Biographical analysis
  • Ethnography and participatory observation
  • Ethnomethodology and documentary methods
  • Grounded Theory and situation analysis
  • Hermeneutical procedures
  • Knowledge-sociological discourse analysis

The mediation of fundamental methodological knowledge and research-based learning with selected collection and evaluation methods is in the foreground of our teaching structure. In the Master studies, these skills are also provided on an advanced level.

Further information for regular students can be found here (content in German).
