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Challenges and Innovative Changes in Research Ethics Reviews (CHANGER)

CHANGER Workshop

Workshop "Community-based approaches to research ethics" & NEKS meeting// Munich July 4-5 2024


The EU-funded, interdisciplinary project examines current challenges and solutions in connection with ethics reviews in science. The focus is on technological developments, e.g. in connection with artificial intelligence and other research methods, which raise particular issues in terms of research ethics and present ethics committees with new challenges. The CHANGER project examines research ethics procedures and problems in various disciplines in several European countries and develops innovative solutions that provide both researchers and ethics committees with assistance in assessing research ethics issues in review processes.

Project duration: 01/2024 – 12/2026

LMU team

Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger unger@lmu.de
Nevien Kerk, MA n.kerk@lmu.de
Thomas Raucheger, BA thomas.raucheger@soziologie.lmu.de


EU HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ERA-1 (Verbundprojekt)

Project Website

LOGO CHANGER BLACK&WHITE https://changer-project.eu/

Partner organisations

National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Athens, Greece (Coordination); University of West-Attika (UNIWA), Greece; University of Split (MEFST), Croatia; University of Groningen, Netherlands; Technical University Vienna, Austria; Norwegian Institute for Sustainability Research (NORSUS), Norway; University of Bukarest, Rumania; University of Sopkje, North Mazedonia; RFW University Bonn, Germany; Knowledge & Innovation ((K&I srls), Rome, Italy; Katholic University Leuven, Belgien; LMU Munich, Department of Sociology, Germany; University of Macedonia; Thessaloniki, Greece; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany; University of Coimbra, Portugal.