Qualitative Social Research

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Crowdsourcees‘ services in new value-added systems

Research Project:

„Crowdsourcees‘ services in new value-added systems – needs and strategies of a sustainable workforce“

Subproject of the joint research project:

„The Challenge of cloud and crowd – new organisational models for sustainable services“

Along with an increase of digitization, especially in IT companies, new innovative business models for the provision of services emerge. Referring to crowdsourcing enterprises, intermediary internet platforms create new chains of value creation. Crowdsourcees offer their services individually on these platforms, in the ‘cloud’. In cooperation with several pioneering companies, the joint research project “The Challenge of cloud and crowd” focuses on the challenges and problems of managing this process. By developing pilot schemes, criteria for success are to be identified. The ISF München is coordinating the collaboration between the Chair for Information Systems at Kassel University, andrena objects ag, the two German unions IG Metall and ver.di and our project.
The subproject located at the LMU aims at analysing strategies of crowdsourcees doing service work online, as well as their cooperation with other actors and their scope of action in this work environment. Emphasis lies on the diversity within the workforces, especially on gender differences. The empirical research focuses on five dimensions that constitute the main prerequisites of crowdsourcees’ online services and offer fundamental perspectives on controlling service quality and professional career development: (a) economic viability, (b) personal interests, (c) management of everyday life, (d) networking and (e) sustainability. These dimensions are analysed referring to a mixed methods design using quantitative as well as qualitative approaches. The project discloses manifold opportunities of testing innovative research procedures which are particularly appropriate for the investigation of online work.


Project Team:

Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger unger@lmu.de

Prof. Dr. Hans J. Pongratz hans.pongratz@lmu.de

Robin Schenkewitz robin.schenkewitz@soziologie.uni-muenchen.de

Project Duration:

12/2015 – 11/2018


Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Förderkennzeichen: 01FJ15054

For further information:
